Thursday, February 7, 2008


Into the Wild (2007)
Christopher McCandless: I read somewhere... how important it is in life not necessarily to be strong... but to feel strong.

Christopher McCandless: Rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me truth.

Christopher McCandless: If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, then all possibility of life is destroyed.

Christopher McCandless: Mr. Franz I think careers are a 20th century invention and I don't want one.

Christopher McCandless: [written into book] Happiness is only real when shared.

Cast Away (2000)

Chuck Noland: I couldn't even kill myself the way I wanted to. I had power over nothing.

Chuck Noland: We might just make it. Did that thought ever cross your brain? Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this shithole island spending the rest of my life talking to a god damn VOLLEYBALL. (or blogspot)

Chuck Noland: [reading from a birthday card] The most beautiful thing in the world is, of course, the world itself.

Chuck Noland: We live and we die by time. And we must not commit the sin of losing our track on time.

Chuck Noland: We live and we die by the clock, that's all we have.

Okay so we're going to start doing one and one cause I'm back to going to the cineama once a week, often alone, and seeing new movies. So one and one's gonna be the set up for a while. Also I got a script to finish tweaking and another one that's just being born. It's a good place to be in, I think. I do wish very much that I could take like one modern cineama class. Never thought I'd say this but umm.. I wish I had a 7 page paper to write about the stylistic ramification of a movie. It would help getting my mind back to that level. Oh well guess this blogging/talking to myself will just have to do. Any critisism you can spare blog readers, trust me I'll appreciate it and no not by taking my shoe off tossing it at you and telling you to shut up (Who throws a shoe -what movie?).

So Into the wild killer flick. See it, I'll give you my copy if u'd like, it'll give you great insite about the human spirit. I got a comment today, feel free to read it. It's attached to the last January comment I believe. But in a way it inspired me to write today about the movies and stay on track. I've been writing more and more in my real journal and reading books and basically doing the whole cast away, into the wild thing so this might be a good blog. Like positive and shit. Into the wild is such a testiment to the human soul and spirit. He graduates out of college and gets rid of everything that society has given, through out the movie his inner naration is so perfectly inspiring. It makes you wanna put on a back pack and go. It's a testiment to fully and completely letting go. You want that. You so want it. True freedom. Its based on a book and if I can find it I'm gonna have to read it. I swear. When you really sit and ponder what freedom is, Is it freedom from stuff? Freedom from social norms, or freedom from the entire sociatal machine. Could you let go of it. So many philisophical ideas spicing and like icing all over this picture.

Here's a transition btw. Cause even though these blogs aren't well thought out, I just sorta go. Time and Freedom I believe to be connected. The more you focus on time the less freedom you have. When I first arrived in this country I thought I had attained that freedom but I kinda believe that freedom lasted for maybe the first month or even the first days I got here. Then time snuck back up. Like time sneaks... :P There's a real comparison between cast away and into the wild, yes both are about the undieing unyielding magic of the human spirit. But Tom Hanks experience is 100% based on the existence of time and the trials that come from trying to attain it. Trying to keep track of it. But by the end it's just completely about appreciating it. The interalion that I premise these two movies is that in Into The Wild Chris Supertrain completely obliterates its meaning, he really really really, did I say really, cause I meant to say really, like really really just lives. It's so powerful. It's a powerful thing to learn and live ones life by. Instead of holding life to the unconscious boundaries of the hands of a clock he frees the inner spirit to the rising of a sun and setting. That's true freedom. In a true non verbal, not termanology, idea. It's profound to live without any boundaries or limitations. To go through a journey of unlearning all that's been learned. I think something similiar happens in Cast Away. And what appreciate is that as profound as Chris's charachter is, he sought it. He truly wanted that limitless natural freedom that Niche spoke of. Tom Hanks didn't but it found him none the less.

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